You have undoubtedly read a lot about the benefits of coconut oil for your skin and health, and you may use the product regularly in your household. What you may not know is that you can also use coconut oil for your pets. Use natural coconut oil, without preservatives.
1. Protection legs
If your pet has a wound, you can treat it with coconut oil. The oil disinfects and heals the wounds, and the additional benefit is that you should not be afraid that your animal gets intoxicant chemicals when licking their legs.
2. Treatment of abnormalities
Coconut oil is often used as a natural treatment for abnormalities in cats or other pets. You get rid those itchy ears!
3. Prevent hairballs
To prevent hairballs, you can add a little coconut oil to your pet's diet. Also, this would be a great benefit to their digestion.
According to, the ideal dose for balancing your cat's stomach is one teaspoon per day per 4.5 kilograms.
4. Fur conditioner
Do you use coconut oil as a conditioner for your hair? From now on you can use it for your pets as well. The oil has natural disinfectant and healing properties. According to coconut oil contains triglycerides, these are "effective antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral compounds."
5. Feed
If your pets have become fat for some reason, you can give them a teaspoon of coconut oil regularly. They are fond of it and lick it with for fun off the spoon!
6. Dog Shampoo
Recently, many shampoos contain coconut oil, but if you want to save some money, you can make dog shampoo yourself. The coconut oil hydrates the skin of your pet. It can at first make it a bit greasy until the product has been fully absorbed. The recipe for the homemade dog shampoo can be found here at firsthomelovelife. []
7. Dry nose or skin
Does your pet have a dry nose or skin? A little coconut oil hydrates the skin and even disinfects small wounds.
8. Prevents for fleas
The problem with traditional flea treatments is that they are generally toxic. In addition, the effect usually increases over time. This is not the case when you use the following coconut oil recipe:
Simply mix one part coconut oil with two parts water. Add this to a spray bottle. Now you can spray on your cat or dog.
9. Toothpaste for pets
Do you already use coconut oil as toothpaste? You can also use it for your pet by just doing a little oil on for example a dog toothbrush. Your dog will not mind at all, thanks to the sweet taste.
Why is coconut oil good for your pet overall
Reduced skin problems, from dry to itchy, irritated or allergic skin
For healthy skin and shiny coat
For a soft coat
Reducing bad odour
For disinfecting wounds
Cure of wounds, rashes, infections, bites or other weird spots
For a healthy stool
Protection against worms and fleas
Good for teeth, when used as a toothpaste
Increases resistance
For a good energy level
Some sites go so far that they would work out diabetes, arthritis, joint pain, and heart disease. Whether it's all true, I do not dare to say, but if your pet is in trouble, you can always try a jar. You will soon notice if your pet gets better or not!